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Arnold Ralph

Ralph Arnold had strong Kentish connections: he was born in Meopham, members of his family lived in the Medway towns and he moved to the village of Cobham in 1937 where he lived in the eighteenth century Meadow House for most of the rest of his life...

Dickens Charles

Later in life, when the successful writer had taken up residence at Gadshill, he became a friend of Lord Darnley, the owner of Cobham Hall, and was given a key to the Park so that he could walk there whenever he chose...

Dickens Charles

Then, as now, Cobham, only a short walk from Dickens’s home, contained a charming collection of buildings – Cobham Hall, the church, Cobham College, Owletts...



Database Credits PHP/Perl:James Wilson, Christian Jacobsen; Webdesign:Antony Barron; Graphics: Paul Haine
University of Kent Literature and Place Database