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Isle of Thanet


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In his comprehensive history of the development of Christianity in Britain, ‘Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum’ (731), which earned him the title of ‘the father of English history’, the historian priest Bede, far away in his Jarrow monastery, described the Thanet setting of the arrival of St...

Sutcliff Rosemary

In Rosemary Sutcliff’s historical novels for children there is a strong sense of place, which is as much part of their strength as the vivid recreation of past events and the psychological dilemmas of her characters...

Trevisa John

He translated Higden’s universal history ‘Polychronicon’ (1387), adding an introduction and a continuation, part of which has become notable as an account of the state of the English language at that time...



Database Credits PHP/Perl:James Wilson, Christian Jacobsen; Webdesign:Antony Barron; Graphics: Paul Haine
University of Kent Literature and Place Database